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Wireless VPN Authentication Configuration

I've a firewall installed in my computer and can't establish a VPN connection to the server.

Wireless 802.1x Authentication Configuration

I've already followed all the instructions, but my computer keeps connecting to the eduroam-guest network.

Wireless VPN Authentication Configuration

Problem: I've a firewall installed in my computer and can't establish a VPN connection to the server.

Solution: Our VPN server uses the PPTP protocol. In order to connect to the server, you've to configure your firewall to allow the following connections:

The VPN server ip address is:

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Wireless 802.1x Authentication Configuration

Problem: I've already followed all the instructions, but my computer keeps connecting to the eduroam-guest network.

Solution: Click with the right mouse button on the wireless network icon, choose 'Properties' and select the 'Wireless Networks' tab. The following window will appear:

If you have both networks in the 'Preferred networks' list, select the "eduroam-guest" network and press "Remove".

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If you still can't solve your problem, please contact DSI's Help Desk - helpdesk@lisboa.ucp.pt.